The Journal of Modern Cosmology Exploring Alternatives to the Big Bang, LCDM/CDM and Standard Model Cosmologies Free and Open Access to All Web Author: Capt. J. H. (Cass) Forrington Copyright ©2020 This Domain and All Its Contents are Copyright Protected - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |
NOTE: The links for papers #2 & #3, by Williams and Ujvarosy, respectively, were redirected to the Journal of Cosmology, where they were originally published, on 12/11/2021, after the Journal of Cosmology was restored at its new domain on 11/01/2021. Please see the "About" page for details. |
1. Capt. Joseph H. (Cass) Forrington, General Relativity: Effects in Time as Causation. 33 Pages. (Captain Forrington is Managing Editor and Special Guest Editor for Time Dilation Cosmology for Vol. #27 of the Journal of Cosmology) An eternal Time Dilation Cosmology originating with a Universal Cosmic Consciousness. A slightly different version of this paper was originally published in the "Journal of Cosmology", Vol. 26, #21, on 07/29/2019. On 07/25/2022, this revised version was accepted by the Journal of Cosmology, replacing the original version, and now forms the basis of Volume 27, "Time Dilation Cosmology in the Evolving SpaceTime/Quantum Continuum: General Relativity & the Hubble Shift". A significant update of the original paper was posted in this journal on 03/08/2021 when the time dilation formulas, where To = the time dilation factor, for Planetary/Moon, $$ V = {c \sqrt{1-To}}.$$ and Galactic rotation, $$ V = {c \sqrt{1-To} \over \sqrt{3}}.$$ velocities were added, including the Vis-Viva formula, which means the paper provides the time dilation formulas for all gravitationally induced velocities in the universe. By 01/01/2022, 5 more formulas were added: the force in time in Newtons, the galactic mass inside a stellar circle, explaining E=Mc^2 as a velocity due to the force in time and for determining the Mass/Radius ratio of a star outside the Kepler zone of a galaxy, where velocities do not match expectations determined by General Relativity, and the Hamiltonia. The Mass/Radius ratio derivation confirms the validity of the use of the sqrt(3) in the Galactic Rotation velocity formula, verifying that formula's validity. The maths clearly show that all gravitationally induced velocities are directly related to the time dilation factor, To, eliminating the need to use G. Time dilation formulas for stellar system orbital, and galactic rotation, velocities are derived from the gravitational time dilation and Vis-Viva formulas, as is the force in time from Newton's gravitational formula, the Hamiltonian and other formulas. The galactic and planetary orbital velocities are explained mathematically through a proper application of time dilation within the continuum, rather than Newtonian physics in space, demonstrating that these velocities are merely compensation for the slower rates of time in masses in a continuum evolving forward overall at c. During the period from 03/08/2021 through 01/11/2021, when the Journal of Cosmology was restored as per the information on the "About" page, it had 520 astrophysicist downloads from a list of 350 astrophysicists/astronomers in 33 English-speaking universities worldwide. By 03/01/2022 it had increased to 634 astrophysicist and 16 quantum physicist downloads. The James Webb telescope discovery of galaxies CEERS-93316, z = 16.7, and GLASSz-13, z = 13.0, is proof of the validity of this model of the universe, as is LIGO’S Sept. 14, 2015 detection of a "gravity wave", and a proof of the nature of the evolving continuum is IBEX failing to find a shock wave at the edge of the heliopause and the "dead zone" discovered by Pioneer 1. This is a Time Dilation-based cosmology. The evolution of time is the primary, irresistible, force in the universe, as all events in space must evolve forward with time. This is the Fundamental Direction and Rate of Evolution, herein represented by Einstein's Fundamental Metric, which is the basis of the tensors describing a null gravitational field. Fluctuations in the CMB are fluctuations in the rate of time. When a standing wave forms a dilation pit, we also see an irresistible Gravitational Direction and Rate of Evolution. Dilation creates a density at the faster end due to contraction to maintain c and an increase in energy and pressure due to an increase in frequency. Gravitational evolution translates the fundamental energy of time into kinetic energy. When the gravitational evolution impedes at the central focus of a spherical dilation pit, the kinetic energy is translated into thermal energy. The resultant of the FDE & GDE is the curvature in evolution we see as the spacetime/quantum continuum evolves forward. We have 2 event horizons we appear to evolve between where time appears to stop, "Limits of Relativity". We apparently evolve toward the event horizon of the galactic MECO ("black hole") and away from the outer, cosmic, horizon. The passage of proper time within our own inertial frames has an acceleration aspect of ~2.2686*10-18 s/s that manifests the Hubble shift through time dilation in older frames and time appears to stop at ~13.9 Gly looking outwards. This acceleration eliminates singularities and infinite expansions when added to the time elements of Einstein's field equations. Each galaxy can be considered a branching of the evolution of the universe. Both of these event horizons retreat when approached and the dilation gradient shifts, so if the 1 s/s limit is considered the edge of the universe, MECO's are gateways to other universes without end. The proof that the ~2.2686*10-18 s/s acceleration in the inertial frame exists is in the fact that life forms grow up, against the GDE (gravity). The origin of spacetime is explained. This model replaces LamdaCDM/Big Bang. The origin of spacetime is explained, which allows for the explanation provided for non-locality. For the spiritual implications of this model, visit the Captain's Symbol of Unity site. Watch Capt. Forrington's 36 Minute Video, "The Universe, The Creator, and YOU", which explains much of what is in the paper, HERE. |
2. Franklin N. Williams:
Theory Research Institute. A Mathematical Way to Derive Values for the Universal Constants relating them to the fine
structure constant alpha, (a), as a Continuous Equation Involving pi,(π), and the Square Root of 10. 27 Pages. The fine structure constant, a, is an integral part of all constants involving mass and matter, if not in whole, then in part or exponential fractions. The only constants lacking the fine structure constant are the "elementary charge, 'e'", and the "permeability of a vacuum, 'µo'". (These two constants are derived using the same continuous equation, but the alpha factor is included in the (π) factor and is hence invisible. The continuous equation shows that alpha and pi are interconnected.) It is also apparent that, according to the 2014 NIST values for all the universal constants, if alpha changes over time, then so will all the universal constants change proportionally. The changes range from one tenth to three one-thousandths, or smaller, of one percent of the values found in the 2014 CODATA Bulletin. |
3. Kazmer Ujvarosy: Author of the books Aircraft and Spacecraft in US Intelligence Activities: Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Special Operations; God's Chariots: Reports of UFO Activities from
Biblical Times; and The Seed Cosmology: Revelations of the Seed Origin of the Universe.
The Seed Origin of the Universe. 15 Pages. "Based on the facts we have up to date my understanding is that the ultimate cause of the universe is not an infinite point's or singularity's cataclysmic explosion (Big Bang), but the seed of the universe, which perpetual seed akin to the human genome generated the cosmic system for the production of human beings in its own image, similarly as a seed generates a tree for the reproduction of itself. Understandably the parameters of our universe are exquisitely fine-tuned for the production of human beings-similarly as a tree's parameters are tailor-made for the production of seeds-because human life constitutes the seed or input and output of the cosmic system. Thus it is certain that not the universe managed to bring into existence human life, but the genotype of human life created the phenotype universe for the purpose of self-reproduction." |
4. Capt. Joseph H. (Cass) Forrington,, "Time Dilation Cosmology",
Capt. Forrington's second paper was publishedd in the Journal of Modern Physics on 5/29/2023. This paper further reduces the equations in his first paper and contains additional derivations and concepts. The Abstract is: This model ties gravitation and celestial mechanics and kinematics directly to time dilation. It is a new theory of cosmology and the evolution of galaxies. Space and time are not two separate things, but two aspects of a single thing, “spacetime”. Whatever affects space, affects time, and vice-versa. If time speeds up, space must contract to maintain the speed of light, c, and when space thickens into a mass, it is harder to evolve forward, and time appears to slow. If spatial events are spinning as time passes, then the forward direction of time is spinning. This is Einstein’s curvature in the forward direction of time. Herein, the basis is outlined for time dilation cosmology in a spacetime/quantum continuum, including the time dilation-based derivation of the mass of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), and time dilation formulas are derived for stellar system orbital, and galactic rotation, velocities, the force in time in Newtons, the Hamiltonian, the Hubble shift, the empirical gravitational constant, G, and other formulas, showing their direct relationship to the difference in the rate of time between the far distant observer’s invariant 1 s/s rate of time and the slower rate of time at the coordinate point, proving the universe is not composed of separate bodies moving through space, but is an evolving 3-dimensional holographic continuum containing varying densities evolving forward in the forward direction of time, the 4th dimension, at apparently different rates of time, the velocities merely being compensation for those slower rates of time in a continuum evolving forward overall at c, which is why light propagates at c, even from a moving source. As per General Relativity, if there is no rate of time difference between coordinate points, there is no gravitational attraction between those points, and no gravitationally induced velocity. This model resolves all the major conundrums in astrophysics, eliminating Dark Energy and Dark Matter, and ties astrophysics directly to quantum physics. A third paper by Capt. Forrington,
Time Dilation Cosmology 2, was published
in the Journal of Modern Physics on 22 March 2024. A fourth paper by Capt. Forrington,
The Unified Field, was published
in the Journal of Modern Physics on 27 June 2024. A fifth paper by Capt. Forrington, Time Dilation
Cosmology 3: Mathematical Proof of the √*radic3 Temporal and *radic;2 Spatial Acceleration Factors, was published in the Journal of Modern Physics on 12 November 2024.
This paper is a mathematical proof of the acceleration factors in time annd space used in Time dilation Cosmology.
A sixth paper by Capt. Forrington,
Time Dilation Cosmology 3: Life and the
Origin of the Spacetime/Quantum Continuum, was published in the Journal
of Cosmolgy, Vol. 20, on 3 January 2025, as were comments by Guest Editor for Volume 20, Theodore
Walker Jr.
This paper ties science and religion together and was reviewed by a theologian, not a physicist, for its inclusion in the
Journal of Cosmology.